Estates and Trusts

Estate planning is the process whereby the individual plans to transfer his or her wealth, including investments and life insurance, upon death to a chosen person(s).

Your Goals

Estate planning is necessary to ensure that your estate is handled in accordance to your wishes in the most tax efficient manner. We have over 25 years of experience addressing your individual needs and providing valuable advice in the area of estates and trusts.


Preserving the Value of Your Estate


Ensuring Transfer of Assets to Beneficiaries


Minimize Estate Taxes

Areas of Expertise

  • Customized estate planning to address specific your situation
  • Advising on the use of trusts, including family trusts, alter ego trusts and spousal trusts
  • Assisting executors/executrix or trustees in the administration of estates and trusts
  • Preparing financial statements for estates and trusts
  • Preparing trust income tax and information returns for trusts
  • Preparing date of death returns and other optional personal tax returns

Contact Us for a Consultation